Andrea Torres: The New Woman

Photos by







Andrea Torres

Photographed by Xander Angeles
Written by TJ Zialcita

Our first glimpse of Andrea Torres was way back in 2005, practically 15 years ago. Back then, she was still this fresh-faced teenager in the midst of finding her niche within the industry. She took on multiple roles that continued to challenge and hone her skills as an artist, until she finally found the one fit that spoke to who she was– acting.

“I am an extremely sensitive and sentimental person. The whole process of dissecting a character and how she relates to the story is the only roller coaster ride I enjoy.”

As a former lover of the stage, I can say that I absolutely agree with Andrea’s insight. There is an unexplainable thrill in the process of taking on multiple characters. Each role presented to you is a new opportunity to showcase your talent and understand the minds of different people.

“I’ve always been very curious of people. Their background, their values, why they act the way that they do.. In my alone time, I just grab a cup of coffee somewhere and observe. I don’t know, it fascinates me.”

But despite this privilege, Andrea does not take her work lightly. For each project she is given, she offers her best efforts and time to assure that she will deliver nothing short of an amazing performance. Regardless of the fact that she has already built a reputable name for herself, she continues to treat each undertaking with the same amount of commitment and professionalism she did in the beginning.

“When I am given an assignment, I always think of it as responsibility. I should be able to give a truthful performance so I can let other people see the world through the eyes of that person. Hopefully, they will understand her better.”


Now, it is one thing to be in awe of someone for how completely dedicated they are to their craft. But what will strike you most
about Andrea, is her unwavering spirit to really make her dreams a reality. Breaking into the industry is just the first hurdle of show business. The real challenge is steering your career in the right direction in such that you will leave an impression. Ms. Torres has undoubtedly done so throughout the span of her career.


“It’s really important to touch base with your beginnings. To this day, I still look back on my struggles quite often– everything I did and sacrificed to get a spot in the industry. It’s easy to be drowned by all the chaos, but you should always have time for your soul so you don’t lose yourself in the process. My main motivation is to perform, to secure my future, and the future of my family.”

In line with this, she also expressed how her family has served as her biggest inspiration to keep pursuing her passion.


“The biggest awards I want in this life is to be the best version of mysvelf for God, the best daughter, the best sister. I always strive to make my family happy.”


It is actually quite an eye-opener to hear this from Andrea. We are all so consumed at worshipping celebrities for their talents and beauty that we unconsciously put them on a pedestal. In reality though, their hearts’ desires are no different from us. At the end of the day, we just want to make a home for ourselves surrounded by the people who mean the most to us.

“My teacher, Anthony Vincent Bova, gave me very strong advice, ‘Whatever it is you want out of life, it all starts and boils down to self-worth.’ It really stuck with me. So everyday I have this awareness that I should keep my well-being in check. I make sure to start each day positive and end it inspired and fulfilled– big or small. I think that’s what defines us- embracing your strengths and your weakness, keeping a healthy balance of work and leisure, being open to change and growth, and having extra love to give to others.”

I think like Andrea, we all realize at some point that life really boils down to the love we give not just to others, but most importantly to ourselves. If we want others to know our worth, we need to appreciate and love every part of who we are. And when the world tries to kick you when you’re down, you need to choose to keep going. Because each and every one of us has an insecurity we bottle up inside, but that isn’t any reason to be defeated.

“Believe it or not, I have low self-esteem. I always doubt myself. I can think of a hundred negative scenarios that might happen to me in a single situation. Up to this day, I still have those moments, but I’ve learned to manage them. Surrounding yourself with the right people really helps– people who sincerely care about you and who are patient with you. You also have to help yourself. Do things that you know will lead to progress. And of course, have a strong faith. Take it one day at a time so it doesn’t overwhelm you. Be gentle to yourself.”

I really felt a connection with Andrea when she said this. I think it’s what shattered the invisible glass we usually put between us and public figures. We tend to have this misinterpretation that they are all living such perfect lives and couldn’t possibly be troubled by much; but that’s where we’re wrong. They are just as anxious and pressured as we are to get through our chosen paths. Knowing this, it’s actually kind of a relief. We are all human– struggling equals that are not facing these trials alone.

At this point, it came as no surprise to me when Andrea said,

“I want to be known as the reliable one. Someone who really takes the craft seriously. Someone who goes out of her way to give you extra – always. And someone who is a breeze to work with. I also wish to inspire others with my own journey in life.”

It is just so fitting with the Andrea we got to know from this interview– that while others hope to be multimedia stars engulfed in fame, she humbly wants to be known as a reliable and dedicated artist. Goes to show that some of the faces we’ve grown to love in the entertainment scene are still artists more than they are celebrities.

As for what’s next for Andrea this year, she’s leaving it at, “I’m going to start a really exciting project soon. A dream come true!” We’ll definitely be waiting on the edge of our seats until the big reveal. But for now, I think it’s best we end with these heartfelt words from the Andrea Torres herself:

“Everything you need to succeed is already inside you. That’s why that dream was placed in your heart in the first place. You just have to have the proper mindset. That, coupled with an unshakable faith and you’re good to go.”

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